We have witnessed notable growth and interest in sustainable packaging regulations. Many companies are leading the way, with innovative programs to revamp their packaging designs to reduce waste and increase recyclability, including Mars, Walmart, MilliporeSigma, and PepsiCo. Yet, all companies are faced with the complex world of government regulations, penalties, and guidelines to progress toward safer, more sustainable packaging - so where to start?
Read on…The U.S. Plastics Pact aims to realize a new path for plastic packaging by 2025, one that is more circular. The group has been working since late 2020 to plan and take the first steps toward this big ambition.
Read on…A hidden challenge with plastic strategies is a lack of clarity about what materials are considered plastic and preferred solutions.
Read on…Pure Strategies is excited to offer a unique opportunity for students, recent graduates, and early-stage professionals that are interested in a career in corporate sustainability, especially those with identities underrepresented in the field of corporate sustainability, to participate in a four-month long formal mentoring program.
Read on…We need to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Companies have been exploring this aim, but without clear guidance, there have been different approaches with various degrees of robustness. So, the Science Based Targets Initiative developed guidance to provide a science-based standard for net-zero targets.
Read on…Businesses have a key role to play in reversing nature loss, protecting biodiversity, and preserving species. We cannot solve the climate crisis without recognizing the significant role nature plays in capturing and storing CO2 from the atmosphere through its ecosystems, on land, and in our oceans.
Read on…An allied approach to sustainable sourcing shifts from a transactional arrangement to more of a partnership where risk and costs of improving environmental and social outcomes are shared.
Read on…By following three key steps, businesses can develop goals and follow actions to support the restoration of biodiversity, a move that has benefits for both business and nature.
Read on…Pure Strategies Launches Self-Assessment Tool to Help Companies Set Science Based Targets for Nature
Pure Strategies launched of a self-assessment tool designed to help companies start in building a strong commitment to protecting and restoring nature – including water, land, biodiversity, and oceans.
Read on…We achieved B Corp certification to deepen and make public our commitment to B Corp values and ideals while striving to meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability.
Read on…The TAZO Tree Corps will launch Spring 2021 and work to help combat climate change in the most impacted communities across the country.
Read on…Setting science-based targets for nature — as Seventh Generation and other leading companies are doing — can bolster climate targets while also helping to protect and restore water, oceans, land and biodiversity.
Read on…The European Union has proposed a new vision for a “toxic-free environment” and published a strategy for moving the EU towards that goal.
Read on…New Program Aims to Encourage Companies to Help Reverse Nature Loss in Line with Science
Read on…Science Based Targets Network (SBTN) has launched the Initial Guidance for Business: Corporate Action for a Net-Zero, Nature-Positive Future.
Read on…How to overcome common challenges with reaching beyond scopes 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions - to address scope 3 - and set meaningful science-based targets for climate.
Read on…Pure Strategies Co-Founder Robert Kerr was interviewed for an article in Chemical & Engineering News on the sustainability rankings report recently distributed by ChemSec.
Read on…Sustainable packaging is a keystone issue for corporate sustainability. When we look ahead, are we on the path to a circular and sustainable system for packaging?
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