
The PureStrategies Blog
Archive of articles tagged with ‘climate’
The climate and nature crises call for planet-forward strategies

The climate and nature crises call for planet-forward strategies

Leading scientists are calling for more action to address climate change and nature loss – a planet-forward strategy connects nature and climate for a solution that is set up to drive greater progress.

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Taking Bold Steps to Address the Climate Crisis 

Taking Bold Steps to Address the Climate Crisis 

The climate crisis and its impact on extreme weather, future carbon regulation, and the threat of this worsening are driving companies to manage risks and ensure a future for their business by setting aggressive goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions — but is it enough?   

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Emerging Food Trend a Win for Sustainability

Emerging Food Trend a Win for Sustainability

Companies are increasing the diversity of foods used to not just deliver flavor and a unique sales angle, but to also support more resilient and sustainable production. 

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Goals with Impact: How to Set the Next Generation of Sustainability Goals

Goals with Impact: How to Set the Next Generation of Sustainability Goals

Now is the time for setting goals with impact.  We learned that the incremental goals from the past led to limited progress.  Real transformational change is required to tackle issues such as climate change, water risk, and biodiversity loss, among others.  Companies need to have their next generation of sustainability goals be bigger and bolder. 

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Carbon farming creates healthy soils to help reverse climate change

Carbon farming creates healthy soils to help reverse climate change

Carbon farming offers a cost-effective way to draw down carbon from the atmosphere. No new technology is needed, no moon-shot innovation, just regenerative agricultural practices. Carbon farming is also key to reducing soil loss.

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