
The PureStrategies Blog
Letting Your Mission Drive Success: Lessons from Ben & Jerry's and Seventh Generation

Letting Your Mission Drive Success: Lessons from Ben & Jerry's and Seventh Generation

As Ben & Jerry’s and Seventh Generation demonstrate, having a clear direction that aligns with consumers’ values is an important business foundation. These companies have created loyal networks of consumers and employees and have successfully leveraged their enthusiasm in pursuing campaigns for political change.

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Food Industry Playing Catch Up on Sustainability

Food Industry Playing Catch Up on Sustainability

Pure Strategies' survey of 100 global product companies, including 34 food and beverage companies, revealed that while the food sector is beginning to take key steps, more strategic work is needed for this industry to catch up to the performers in the market, across industries.

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Retailers Including Walmart, Target Influencing Investment in Product Sustainability

Retailers Including Walmart, Target Influencing Investment in Product Sustainability

Walmart is a leading motivator for investment in product sustainability with nearly 80 percent of respondents that identified a retail-driver citing the company in an open-ended question. This was followed by Target at about 50 percent, Costco at 18 percent, and Nordstrom at 12 percent. Walmart and Target clearly stand out from crowd. These retailers’ priorities are trickling through the supply chain and influencing supplier product sustainability programs.

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Lysol maker Reckitt Benckiser shares its sustainability formula

Lysol maker Reckitt Benckiser shares its sustainability formula

To make the most of this organizational alignment RB honed in on improving carbon, ingredients, packaging and water to meet this target and to keep the business focused on critical improvement opportunities. These four priorities shaped the program and the limited set of issues enabled faster training, tool development and integration into the product development process.

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The race toward better chemical regulation

The race toward better chemical regulation

Keeping up with growing demands for chemical data using spreadsheets or simple databases will become increasingly unrealistic. Managers need tools that enable them to organize, analyze and make decisions about chemicals and materials in their supply chains and products — and they need to do this quickly and accurately.

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Three tactics that make product sustainability leaders stand out

Three tactics that make product sustainability leaders stand out

Companies committed to product sustainability enjoy the benefits of manufacturing cost savings, brand enhancement, employee engagement and other important financial and organizational value.

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Years of Living Dangerously Conveys Climate Change Science and Drama

Years of Living Dangerously Conveys Climate Change Science and Drama

The gripping new Showtime docu-series, Years of Living Dangerously, tackles climate change with a combination of Hollywood star power, heavyweight scientists, and frontline reporting. Sending big name such as Harrison Ford, Thomas Friedman, Lesley Stahl and Jessica Alba into the field as correspondents to document the human impact of climate change, the series conveys the issue’s urgency with drama and facts.

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Why paper cups just aren’t greener

Why paper cups just aren’t greener

A 2006 study done in the Netherlands compared the materials side by side. It concluded that paper cups were less polluting in five of 10 categories and that polystyrene was better in the other five. And trying to rate the categories is a losing battle. “There’s no scientific method for saying one environmental impact is more or less important than the other,” Greiner says.

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A winning formula: 4 secrets to sustainable chemistry success

A winning formula: 4 secrets to sustainable chemistry success

To help guide companies managing this added pressure, Pure Strategies, evaluated how leaders in the formulated products marketplace have constructed their goals, strategies, tools and partnerships. What is at the core of these programs — and what makes them successful?

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Water Scarcity: CDP Report Argues for Broad, Locally Relevant Strategies

Water Scarcity: CDP Report Argues for Broad, Locally Relevant Strategies

If there is a good side to the third consecutive year of drought in California, it is that many business leaders are finally taking water seriously.

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Sustainable Seafood: One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Green Fish

Sustainable Seafood: One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Green Fish

One fish, two fishRed fish, green fishSick fish, well fishFrankenfish, farm-raised fishSome fish you should not eatOthers that are a treatFrom fish caught with a dolphinTo fish caught far too oftenA glut of boats in the seaSome fish caught responsiblyKnowing which are idealHelps you enjoy your meal

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Beyond Omega-3s: How Systems Thinking Helped Organic Valley Yield Host of Sustainability Benefits

Beyond Omega-3s: How Systems Thinking Helped Organic Valley Yield Host of Sustainability Benefits

Organic Valley, the nation’s largest farmer-owned cooperative, has been on the path to understanding the fatty acid profile of its products since 2009. What the coop experienced along the way provides companies in all industries three important reminders about effective corporate sustainability efforts.

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Chemicals in Consumer Products: New Progress in Transparency

Chemicals in Consumer Products: New Progress in Transparency

The states of Washington and California are breaking new ground by providing consumers with information on potentially harmful chemicals in the products they buy and use on a daily basis.

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CDP - not just for carbon reporting:  four overlooked advantages

CDP - not just for carbon reporting: four overlooked advantages

As CDP’s reach has broadened to include governments and investors, so too has its scope. CDP is not just for carbon anymore; there is also reporting for water use, supply chains, and forests. With this expansion come four sometimes overlooked advantages.

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Borrowing from the UK’s WRAP to go after food waste

Borrowing from the UK’s WRAP to go after food waste

With the excess of New Years’ Eve parties behind us, it’s a good time to check in on food waste – a problem that continues to scream for progress.

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I’m Dreaming of a Toxin-Free Christmas

I’m Dreaming of a Toxin-Free Christmas

With the holidays fast approaching many of us are scrambling to make last-minute purchases for friends and family.

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A New Game Plan for Chemical Management

A New Game Plan for Chemical Management

Chemicals and materials in products, processes, and packaging are facing greater scrutiny and growing demands from retailers, regulators, competitors, and consumers - new rules of the game are rapidly emerging.

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Sustainable Palm Oil:  Still a Challenging Quest

Sustainable Palm Oil: Still a Challenging Quest

In June 2013, air pollution levels in Malaysia and Singapore reached record highs, closing businesses. The cause? Thousands of fires set by both plantation managers and small farmers in neighboring Indonesia to clear land to plant oil palm trees.

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