World Water Day is March 22, 2012. Will you have a plan in place?

Two-thirds of the world's growing population is expected to face water scarcity in 2025, according to the United Nations. That's huge. A finite amount of fresh water will have to be shared by more people and more industry and food production than ever before. What needs to change for this happen? Businesses need to play a vital role in this conversation.

We find that most companies are arriving late to this dialogue — but don't despair. There are more tools available than ever before to help you get started in assessing your business's water risk and in determining the most sustainable course of action.

Water is not carbon.

Most companies have made impressive progress in carbon footrpinting, setting goals, and reporting reductions. But water needs to be understood at the regional level – reductions in water-rich areas do not have the impact of reductions in water-scarce areas. A critical step for all businesses is to plot water consumption points against water –scarce regions and then prioritize efforts in these areas. Here are some tools to help you get started:

  • Global Water Tool: Developed by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, this program offers superior water scarcity mapping capabilities and a water footprinting tool.
  • Aqueduct Alliance: The World Resources Institute and several companies recently launched this database and mapping tool making use of the Coca-Cola Company's extensive water risk data base.
  • Gemi, Ceres, and a host of industry-specific initiatives all provide additional guidance.

Here's one of my favorites.

Take a look at these interactive water maps created by two students at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. You can compare your country's water use to that of other nations and examine embedded water use for different foods and consumer goods. It is a great way to get a conversation going.

Finally, another important milestone – 2015.

That year marks the close of the United Nations' International Decade for Action on Water. Make sure you'll have some progress to report!

Written by Tim Greiner

Tim  Greiner

Tim Greiner, a Pure Strategies Co-founder and Managing Director, has pioneered approaches to building environmental and social integrity into products, brands, and businesses. His experience spans the spectrum from developing sustainability strategy, drafting sustainability goals, designing product sustainability programs, creating approaches to transform sustainable supply chains and fostering collaborative mechanisms to lift the sustainability performance of entire industries. He is currently working with several progressive businesses on developing science-based targets and comprehensive climate strategies. He is a co-founder of the Chemical Footprint Project and has guided sustainable chemicals management strategies for companies across diverse industries. He has also led regenerative agriculture projects with food brands and retailers. Current and former clients include Annie’s, Walmart, Seventh Generation, Ben & Jerry’s, The North Face, Stonyfield Farm, MilliporeSigma and U.S. EPA.

Tim holds Masters’ degrees in Environmental Policy and Business from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Bachelor's degree in Materials Science Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He is a founding member of the Massachusetts Toxics Use Reduction Planners Association and a former Board member and President. He is also founder of the Cape Ann Climate Change Network and is a Research Associate at the Lowell Center for Sustainable Production. Tim has experience in industry as a Process Engineer for Fairchild Semiconductor. He also worked for the Massachusetts Office of Technical Assistance as Project Director and Chief Engineer.

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