UnPacked ‘22 Workshop: Marketing Claims on Packaging

This webinar took place Thursday, February 24, 2022 11:00 am EST

Packaging serves a number of different functions. Various forms of boxes, bottles, cans, plastic bags and pouches furnish protection and freshness, but they also act as advertising for the products they contain. Producers and packagers share responsibility with other marketers to bring truthful information to consumers. When crafting public statements about the sustainability or environmental safety of their products and services, companies should consider advertising rules and principles, including guidelines specifically designed to help marketers avoid making deceptive environmental marketing claims, and labeling rules for particular types of products or claims. In this workshop, companies will be guided on how to best market the sustainability of their packaging and products while also sticking to applicable rules and regulations, like the FTC Green Guides.

UnPacked ‘22 Workshop: Marketing Claims on Packaging

Thursday, February 24, 2022 11:00 am EST

Cheryl Baldwin, Vice President of Sustainability Consulting and Marketing and Business Development, Pure Strategies
Ariella Sela
, Sustainability Advisor, Pure Strategies