Chemical Footprinting Unlocks Radio Flyer’s Safer Materials Strategy

A new Pure Strategies report, “The Power of Chemical Footprinting: Radio Flyer Unlocks Their Safer Materials Strategy,” demonstrates the power of understanding corporate chemical footprints as a platform for crafting and advancing a proactive approach to chemicals management. Radio Flyer, the iconic toy maker, reveals how their efforts to quantify their chemical footprint are accelerating their development of a safer chemicals strategy. A June 6th webinar, “The Power of Chemical Fooptrinting” will delve into these findings further.

“The demand for safer chemistry from consumers, retailers and investors has never been higher,” notes Tim Greiner, Pure Strategies Managing Director. “Businesses that are addressing potential chemicals of concern are building trust and enhancing relationships with important stakeholders.  They are also gaining sales growth, reducing regulatory and reputational risk and improving productivity by proactively addressing safer chemistry during planned development cycles. These are the companies that will thrive in the future.” 

Building on its existing restricted substances list (RSL) and public PVC-free product goal, Radio Flyer sought to deepen its chemicals management efforts. To assess potential areas for program improvement, the company turned to The Chemical Footprint Project, a corporate benchmarking tool focused on chemicals management. The tool helps companies self-assess their performance in the areas of managing, inventorying, measuring, and disclosing their chemicals use.  The survey results helped Radio Flyer identify that quantifying the company’s chemical footprint was an easily understood and powerful metric for accelerating and tracking progress in chemicals management. 

Supply chain engagement proved critical

The company engaged key suppliers of top-selling products across its portfolio to quantify ingredients such as those added to plastic and wood. Radio Flyer faced challenges ranging from limited supplier knowledge to a lack of available staff resources that are common to many companies. They note that these challenges can be overcome, and that the benefits gained included greater chemical transparency as well as deeper supplier relationships.

“Radio Flyer is a company committed to creating outstanding, safe kids’ products, and chemical safety and transparency is vital to our success,” comments Eric Selner, Director of Operations & Sustainability at Radio Flyer. “Participating in the Chemical Footprint Project survey has been critical, as the survey has provided a blueprint for a strong chemicals management program. The footprinting effort and related steps we have taken have helped us reach new levels of achievement across our broad chemicals management program.” 

Companies as varied as Seventh Generation and Walmart, both also discussed in the report, know that robust chemicals management programs strengthen relationships, productivity and growth. For those just getting started, examples such as Radio Flyer’s can provide a roadmap for gaining the benefits of a strengthened chemicals management program.    

June 6th webinar will demonstrate the benefits of chemical foot printing 

An upcoming webinar discussing the report findings: “The Power of Chemical Footprinting” will feature Mark Rossi of Clean Production Action, Pure Strategies’ Tim Greiner and Eric Selner of Radio Flyer. The team will explore Radio Flyer’s experience conducting a chemical footprint and share tips on how other companies can use this process to accelerate a safer materials strategy. The webinar will be held on Tuesday, June 6th at 11 am EDT. To learn more, visit the registration page.

Sustainability consulting firm Pure Strategies offers deep expertise in chemicals management. Pure Strategies is proud to be a Co-Founder of The Chemical Footprint Project, a licensed GreenScreen® Consultant, and a member of the Green Chemistry in Commerce Council.


Written by Tara Gallagher

Tara  Gallagher

Tara Gallagher, a Senior Advisor at Pure Strategies, specializes in developing and communicating sustainability strategies. An expert in CSR reporting, she wrote the award-winning 2007 and 2008 Seventh Generation Corporate Responsibility Reports as well as the company's 2009 - 2014 reports. Tara has also developed CSR reports and/or other CSR communications for The North Face, EMD Millipore, and numerous other companies. A recipient of the GRI-G4-certified training on the GRI sustainability reporting process, Tara has facilitated materiality assessments for several clients.

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